Wednesday, May 6, 2020

What Twists a Man so Far as Murder (Serial Killers)

D.Jay Schaibly Eng 102 May 2, 2005 What twists a man so far as murder? Many things today confuse, yet enthrall the masses. War, murder, medical science, incredible rescues, all things you would see on The History Channel. There is another topic that is also made into documentaries however, serial killers. Dark twisted people that commit multiple murders are of interest to the population, but what caused them to be this way. What horrible tragic set of events could twist a man to murder one or many people. Could Schizophrenia, psychopathy, or sociopathy? Many people have researched this topic and believe that childhood trauma, heavy drugs during the growing phase of life, as well as many other things have twisted the minds of men†¦show more content†¦More recently however a new type of serial killer has emerged into public view, the Angel of Mercy type. Angels are people in the medical profession that kill their patients by means of neglect, drugging, or unplugging their victims. One man used drugs to kill over 40 seriously ill patients from 19 87 to 2004 before realizing he was wrong and handing himself in to police. In most cases these people will kill their patients in order to put them out of their misery. In most cases people who are given short periods of time to live or are suffering intensely become the targets of these twisted nurses. Some angels later in their careers turned to murdering patients that would complain to often, and in some cases would murder any patient just to make work easier on themselves. Like most serial killers the majority of this group tends to plead insanity when brought to justice though after research tend to be of perfectly normal brain function. The insanity plea used by most serial killers is an attempt to reduce or avoid a harsh sentence but in most cases are given a clean bill of mental health. Serial killers seem to be a constant part of society. From Vlad the Impaler to the Angels of Mercy killers people with murder on their mind have always been in our society. All of civilizatio n has been focused on war and defense sinceShow MoreRelatedDitypes Of Stereotypes In Indian Killer By Sherman Alexie1524 Words   |  7 Pagesbeneficial to one’s decision making, there is a fine line between harmless judgements and potentially dangerous stereotypes. In the novel Indian Killer by Sherman Alexie, the characters are existing during a period of great tension invoked by a serial killer. Due to the scalpless state of these murdered white males, citizens are quick to assume that the serial killer must be an Indian. On the other hand, the novel Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn not only displays some common stereotypes that are pitted againstRead MoreThe Lovely Bones By Alice Sebold834 Words   |  4 PagesChilling through and through, The Lovely Bones, by Alice Sebold, is a tale of both murder and growth, and, more so, the latter after the former. 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